Financial Aid is any source of funds that are available to help you pay for college. Most types of financial aid comes from federal and state programs, which require completing the FAFSA and award you funds based on your demonstrated need. Additionally, there are several institutional aid programs that award funds based on need and/or merit. Use the resources below to better understand options available to you to help you pay for college.
A grant is a type of financial aid that you don’t need to pay back. The amount of grant money awarded to you is based on demonstrated financial need (which is decided by your FAFSA application).
Student Loans
A student loan is money that you borrow from the government, but must pay back.
Scholarships are awarded funds that you do not have to pay back. Many scholarships are based off academic merit or other achievements, while some are also need-based.
Work Study
Our Federal Work-Study (FWS) program offers on and off-campus employment opportunities for PCC students with a demonstrated financial need. If you are granted Work Study, you may work up to 19 hours per week while school is in session to earn money to go towards your cost of tuition, books, and fees.
California College Promise Grant (BOGW)
The California College Promise Grant waives your enrollment fees if you are a California resident and qualify by meeting certain income requirements or other eligibility requirements outlined on the application.
Need assistance completing your FAFSA or California Dream ACT application?
The Office of Financial Aid can help.
Call (855) GO-TO-PCC